Dancing Winds
also apologies for the wait Big Grin and for fail post

While the feline and his daughter made friends León let some of his attention wander to his surroundings, tall coniferous trees dominated the entire area with their branches stretching out wide and sprays of thin, sharp needles that pricked the paw pads painfully if you stood on them the wrong way. Lower down were the saplings, growing in the dappled patches of light between the taller trees or where an older one had died and fallen. Underneath those were the underbrush, leafy and green and often filled with edible fruits in the autumn. It never ceased to amaze him how the world around them changed every year without fail.

Meanwhile Analise was responding to Element's words and questions, "A pleasure to meet you then Element." THe young girl was ever so excited and her barely contained tail wagging showed it, they had not been in AniWaya long and it had been absolutely ages since she had made a new friend. "Yes it is beautiful, we live here in the AniWaya tribe with daddy's brother but we traveled from Spain to get here, we've been traveling since I was very small. Where are you from Element?"

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