Mo' money, mo' problems
fail post D:

Nerves filled her up and consumed her inside as she watched the Angela pause in the removal of her weapon belt. The female felt very foolish and useless next to the armed leader, like she was a useless thing intended to look pretty only and never be anything more worthful or helpful. She shuffled her feet in shame and looked down at the dainty digits, she did want to be useful to this pack that had so kindly accepted her even though she had suddenly appeared within their midst. Sharp eyes looked her over and the femme pinned back her ears in respect, a pretty thing she may be but dumb she was not.

She shook her head as Naniko questioned them meeting before and took the words as an asking of who she was, "I'm Gemma Sawtooth, Lucifer's daughter." Again she shuffled her feet, if she was wanting to be useful then she should find herself a job to do within the pack, Naniko would be just the person to ask,

"Well the thing is I was wanting to have a role within the pack to help keep it going but I don't know what jobs there are to do or how I'd go about getting them, I was just wondering if you would explain them to me, if you have the time."

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