down by the sea

There were times when Ehno envied his sisters for all the time they were able to spend with their children. The Patrician's own choices had given him plenty of time with his pups when they small, but less and less as they grew. Eventually they all grew and moved on in their separate ways. There was so much he wished he could have changed about that, wanting to be able to save them from pain, and heartache, and in his son's case, death. But there was nothing to be done about it, and it meant that Ehno had never had to handle his growing children at this stage. He worried, but it was a different sort of worry that what his sibling shouldered now. His girls were all out of his reach, but Ghita's little ones were still here with her, close, but growing up in such a way left little more for the mother to offer them.

"Hai provato a parlare con lei riguardo?" he asked, words hesitant but hopeful. Ehno may not have had to deal with his own children at this rambunctious age, but he knew all too well how youthful spirits responded to well-intentioned advice, especially those as wild and free-spirited as Sophia appeared to be. Young adults who thought they completely understood the world didn't take well to being told what to do. He shrugged slightly. If that didn't work, there wasn't much else that he imagined could be done. "A volte hanno bisogno di imparare da soli..." Not something a worrying mother would want to hear, but the truth seemed to be all Ehno had to offer at the moment.


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