Change On The Wind


Valinta, being a loner now, had quite taken to wandering around. She had gone as north as the Halcyon mountains and a couple of days later gone to a southern coast in the Dans. It was a beautiful area, she thought as she ran in her Lupus form. The area looked rather nice, with a few cabins scattered around. Interesting area.

As she plodded along the shoreline, Valinta's thoughts turned to Gunnar, safe where she had left him. The boy still hadn't shifted, and he was in his eighth month. The female was begining to think that he was a Luperci at all. Stopping, Valinta shrugged. It wouldn't matter, would it? She would still love her son as much as possible.

Seeing two people up ahead, Valinta started to shift to her Optime form. Her paws started to lengthen and grow thinner, becoming fingers. The fur along the back on her neck and head grew, and grew, and grew. Eventually, the long, black curls reached her waist, and the woman stood up. Fully Optime, she walked towards the two people, a male and a female, she saw, and began to braid her hair.

"Hello!" she called out, smiling. Her hair in a braid, she waved. They looked nice.

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