Change On The Wind
OOC:: Short posts all the way?

Galileo nodded, 'I don't think anything else would form a stronger basis than family'. His comment was short, but meaningful and true. As Valinta spoke he nodded again, 'Sounds good'. He didn't care what it was called personally, but Familius sound decent and respectful. 'I shall take up leadership also' Galileo said, his brow furrowing in thought.

'My mother was a part of my birthpack's council she more or less ran the place'. His mother was a stubborn, cruel bitch, but she had here good point as did the pack itself. 'She taught me a few things'. Ver few things indeed for she always had more time for perfect Europa and the pack than individual Io and trouble maker Galileo. The gentleman had toned down since his younger days. Leadership would now suite him.

Galileo frowned again, 'As for co ranks, I am an adept fight, weapons and feral. Gemma had impeccable survival skills', he didn't need to go into any detail, a quite glance toward Gem secured that fact.

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