Baby you make me happy

Word Count » 000

Amaranth listened to him as he spoke about the future. ”You know if that happened I think I would be happy. I would rather him come to me and beg me to make him food. I think I’d be the one wishing he and I were still here with you. Time will go by all to fast.

Amaranth laughed as she looked at him. ”If you wait here I’ll get the fabric and stuff I have to give you. I’d really like new clothing. I want the amazing strel touch. She said winking as she stood and went towards her cave glancing back for a moment she ran inside grabbing everything she had. Though there really wasn’t much. Returning she set the things next to them as she sat herself back down. She looked at her son then back to him.

Amaranth smiled, ”I know it isn’t much I really liked this purple fabric and the black well black seems to look good on me. I’d really like the purple to be a dress, something reveling and sexy. Like one shoulder maybe one side cut so like it could flow open. I mean if that’s ok.” She said laughing. ”The black and the others surprise me with anything, I mean it anything that you think would look good.”

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