Stardust n' Fireflies
Iskata watched as her niece reacted to her words, when she was over and done with her snappy comeback at the mention of Faolin's mother Iskata gave up even talking about the scene again. "Fine. I can't change how you look at the world.. I can understand that.. I just promised I'd give you her words." She stared down at her niece with a darkness dimming her normally bright eyes as she shook her head. She wished that this wasn't what it came down to but she knew there was nothing she could do to change anyone anymore.. she should just give up trying... but they were family and they were still something to her in the end.

When Mew questioned her on the actions of her brother Iskata's look grew to that of annoyance as she scuffed and glared at the younger female. "What do you think I mean? He whimpered and cried like a a helpless child. When I found him and finally coaxed the events out of him he tried to hide underneath me like a fear struck babe. Do you need any further explanation. Something inside of him is twisted and strange.. He's not who you think he is.." She stared at Mew, wondering if she thought that she could control him, the words she'd said before setting her nerves on end as she warned the ivory lady. "Don't get yourself killed trying to save him Mew.." the words were quiet, but the concern shown in her eyes as she watched her brother's child before her.

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