Heaven ain't close in a place like this

She gazed above her, amazed at the height of the trees in this forest. Wretch hadn't left Dahlia since she had been injured, and the outside world was both amazing and surprising her. She still walked with a bit of a limp, but the journey hadn't been too difficult so far. She spent nearly every day traipsing around Dahlia de Mai regardless of her injury, and that had helped her to get used to the way that she walked and had helped her muscles develop despite the leg that had been hurt.

Sunlight streamed down from between the leaves, picking up the gray highlights that littered the girl's pristine fur. She was white for the most part, but as she had grown a peculiar gray sheen had developed over her pelt. She perked her pointed ears as a sound caught her attention; crashing waves. A shiver ran down her spine at that sound; she had been injured by the ocean and had no interest in going near it ever again.

Hopefully the new pack that Nayru had spoken of would be farther away from the ocean than Dahlia was. The girl hummed to herself as she walked along, green eyes observing the forest growth around her. It was summer and some of the young animals of spring seemed to be growing; she paused to look at a fawn as it crossed her path up ahead. Its pelt was a mixture of spots and brown patches, a sign of growth. Perhaps it would feel up for a nice conversation. She started after it slowly, calling out. "Mr deeeer, Mr deeeeer"

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