Salted Air

Word Count → 000 :: also this be a fail

He was pulled from his thoughts, by movement from Valinta. Following her quickly as they found themselves deeper within the human ruins. While his counter part thought that Optime would be a better substitute when trawling through cities, Galileo stayed confinded to his Lupus form. The gentleman gazed up in unseen awe at the town. Although it was nothing too disimilar to the hundreds of other human structures he had seen through out his life, this was his.

Following Valinta into a shop, Galileo hung behind, taking his time unlike his through partner. 'We have to claim this place' he mused watching his friend walk ahead. He rolled his eyes in disbelief as the woman swooned over a cat. If she was this way over some animal, he'd hated to see how she treated her own son. When he caught up, he sat down in front of the woman and her cat. 'So can we agree that this place is fine and go back to the others?' The guys all needed to know, and this stuff needed to be sorted quickly. He didn't want to wait and even though this was a joint partnership and descions needed to be made by both parties, Galileo just wanted stability. For Gemma and Aslan more than himself.

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