past the outfield

Red smiled back at the female. She was far older than he was, but she still was attractive. She had a very soft look to her, like in her creation someone had turned the opacity WAY down and softened her edges. He soon found that her name was Iskata. It rolled nicely in his mind. He wriggled his nose slightly in amusement at her statement. ”Actually, I come from here. On beach, from el mar. Ocean.” Red turned to the soft waves the came to the shore. The sound of the ocean was steady and soothing, a sharp contrast to the snap of the bonfire. He pointed to the waves and then waved his hand around at the beach. ”I no remember before then. Yo fue siete months.” Red held up seven fingers to her, a slightly sad expression working onto his face.

The hybrid had been no more than a child when he had washed up on the shore. It had been especially frightening for him, without a mother or anyone in the world to care for him. He lifted his eyes as she seemed to tell him that the fire was safe. He moved closer to it and her. She was looking at him intently, but he didn’t think that her motives were malicious. Red felt the odd feeling of the sand compressing beneath his feet as he came up to her. ”Why you here?”


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