The abused can speak
300+ (3 points) sorry it sucks -__-

Scouting the borders was not her job in this pack. In fact, she had no job yet, had pretty much been ignored in the haste to get things ready for the upcoming move to new lands. Not that she cared at all, being left alone was perfect. Tawny was just a scared little girl, not really ready to face all of the other canines in her new pack. So this is what she had taken to doing, walking the borders of Dahlia, hoping that she didn’t run into anyone.

This day was just like any other, and she found herself exploring an area that smelled like fresh water and growing plants. There was a small stream nearby, so she headed that way, wanting to play in the water. By the time she’d found what she was looking for, the sun was starting to slide lower in the sky. Not really a problem for her young eyes, so she shrugged it off and hopped into the shallow water. It was freezing, of course, and her malnourished body was too thin to properly drive the cold away. But, like a child, she didn’t realize that she was getting too cold until she stumbled and fell over her numb paws.

After her face and head got thoroughly soaked, she decided that it was time to get out of the water and try to dry off. Flopping over on the dirt shore, she stretched and rolled onto her back, wriggling her body around for a few moments to get the itchy wet feeling to go away. The small multi-colored wolf never smelled anything unusual, and didn’t notice anything off in the area, not that she was really looking. She had never been a guard, and didn’t know the first thing about defending territory. If someone wanted to infiltrate Dahlia lands, they’d have no problems getting by the pup-minded woman.

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