Into the rabbit hole...wait...That is no Rabbit!

OOC: o3o I love moody puppies. Smile and nah, that’s fine. Smile don’t mind the wait, allows me the time to find some inspiration! :3 Mah! ….wow, I have an active mind today. Haha....also this is what her face looked like after she said she was stealing him away O-O; .../ WC: 320

A slug…
No not a slug just sluggish.

He came upon her, head drooped and tail lowered, reminding her slightly of a puppy who just embarrassed himself in front of the pack. She greeted him with a small smile, which lacked the joy her howl had held. She gazed down at him.

Amber eyes gazing back into the abyss…

She blinked, and shook her head. He spoke, and her heart fluttered softly.

“I’ve come to get you,” she said. Holding back the urge to bump her head against his side. Strangely she wanted to comfort the sluggish creature. His demeanor was bugging her, causing uneasiness to creep across her spine.

Since she met him, her life, her personality had altered…no, not altered, returned. She was again herself. Cheerful, playful, shy, stubborn…well, stubborn had always been one of her strong traits and never actually left her. Now however, seeing Slade as he was burned a great desire to pounce him, and not in the good way…Well perceptively it depended.

Strangely the sight of him reminded her of a pack make. Samuel, a stoic wolf who only ever smiled when around his…well, she didn’t allow the memory to return and instead looked at Slade giving him the up down.

“I’m taking you hunting,” she announced taking another step backwards. “And there is no way in the bloody forest that I’m allowing you to back out,” she snapped twisting a British/Irish accent with the word ‘bloody’ as she spoke. “I don’t feel like being alone, and yes I’m gonna be selfish and steal you away from your pack!”

You just sounded like a child there, her mind taunted. How lame of you… She mentally nipped herself and sighed. “Sorry Slade…I’ve…” heat rushed over her, “I didn’t have a nice night and…well.” She mumbled and tucked her tail between her legs, ears lowering against her skull.

“Come hunt with me, please?”

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