we haven't learned

Oooohh, language confusion 8D

He nodded at the strange coyote’s first question. He shrugged at the second one. Red looked off at the horizon. It wasn’t like he knew exactly why. Maybe he had been taught that way, with two languages. In any case, he might never know. I no tengo family. Wash up on shore, no remember before.” Red bit his lip, trying not to think about his lack of family. He had spent many cold, lonely nights when he was seven months crying himself to sleep.

Red glanced sideways at the coyote. It seemed to be finding something very amusing, as it would chuckle every couple of seconds. ’Probably laughing at his own jokes.’ As the coyote jumped down from the boulder, Red moved away from it a few steps. He didn’t trust this coyote very much, even though he seemed friendly enough. It spoke its name, Kirin, and was for some reason in Lupus form. The hybrid frowned. Everyone he had ever met had been in Optime form.

By now, Red figured that most of what came out of Kirin’s mouth was blabber. ”Storm blue. I’ve never been en pack.” Strangely, his words seemed to change between English and Spanish almost on a whim. Red had never really thought about it, but maybe his words had been mixed up and lost; just like his memories had been.

Red was caught off guard by the next question of the coyote. He turned his head sharply to Finch, who was now sitting on the ground. He didn’t understand the question all the way, and didn’t get that it had to do with his name. ”Soul es en los ojos.” Red pointed at his eye with one finger. He had been taught that a person’s eyes were the window to the soul. ’Taught? By whom?’ Red bit his lip. He often found that he knew things and didn’t know where they had come from.


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