J. When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
His attention was taken from his nice by the approach of who he hoped was a leader. The female asked him if she could help. I was hopin’ ta join Cercatori d’Arte, along with me neice. I’m Rory Ward an’ this ‘ere is me niece Saorise. I was told that ye are a group of artist here. He smiled at the white female and hoped that she would allow him to join.

I’m a singer, ya see. A good Irish tenor I am. An’ I can tell stories and play a mandolin and other like instruments. I can also tattoo, dye fur, and do piercings, though not as well as I can sing and such. He knew that they might need to know about why he left Ireland.

Though ye might want ta know why I left me home, Ireland. Me sister ‘twas raped by a powerful dog and I went after ‘im. An’ it was the ‘ardest thing I ever did. I took me sister and sailed ta Freetown where she ‘ad this little one but sadly died. He hoped that he would still be accepted. It was a mistake ta kill the rapist but I don’ plan on doing it again. Once he had said his piece, he waited for the lady’s answer.

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