Point Me Toward the Morning - AW
The behemoth looked upon the young female with a curious gaze. She seemed to be at ease even if he wasn’t. For now though he was content to remain as he was, ears perking and listening to her words with a calm silence. He hadn’t introduced himself but he wouldn’t out right for the time being until he had decided to carry on the conversation longer than just an introduction. Nayru and that damn hippie had proclaimed family, love and all that great bullshit that no one seemed to understand, peace… Peace was something you had to fight for, the great cosmic catch 22 of it all. But he guessed in the end that it would be better to be pleasant at least for now than to start to making enemies so soon.

“I am Saluce, and I’m trying to remain positive about this whole thing.” And that summed up his feelings about everything. Trying to remain positive when he was most assuredly negative about it all, oh how he loved this whole arrangement. Around Nayru he was all smiles but inwardly he just hated this.

Finally he sighed and spoke again “I don’t guess you have an opinion on this whole debacle do you?”

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