Terrible sting and terrible storm
Though the roar of the thunder, a soft and familiar voice rose to call him home. He was tired of living at the borders, but it was not the time to rebel, not with her around at least. He set into motion, there was nothing else to do. When she called, he would come, like a soul-linked servant to its master. Although his actions always were his own, he would go far for her sake. He had paid back with blood and humiliation to Asphyxia, but the rest was purely his own doings for his own reasons. The wicked coyote female he had left beaten on the forest floor had just been the start, and it had been time for action, but no one had dared to rise up and spill blood over their hands. The demon wished to bathe in blood, it had been nothing else for him to do, really, and it would be a lie to claim he had not enjoyed it.

It was relatively dry despite the weather that was approaching, and his fur was free of liquid when he had ventured into the Dahlia land and met up with his sister. As he approached the white ghost, he let the usual smile spread across his lips. He was always somewhat happy to see his litter sibling, she had always seemed to stay by his side always, and he appreciated the few allies he had left. Colibri needed to be dismissed, Iskata needed to 'disappear', Inferni needed to burn. "Mew." Her name alone was enough for a greeting. His ears perked waiting for whatever she needed to utter, and his 2/3 tail waved gently from side to side, uttering happiness and nothing else.


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