she spoke of such a kindness
OOC: If you don't want lili recongizing her just say so i can easily change it, and she can't remember which one Foxglove is :3

Liliana had her two children in her arms, ready to let them get use to the scent of horses from the stables. They had finally opened their eyes, but they couldn't see much further than their little noses. They could hear a bit too, but their best sense was their smell. She didn't know she wouldn't be the only one wanting to get some time near the stables and she saw a young woman hanging on the fence. The coloring of the woman seemed nearly familiar, it made her think of a cemetery for some odd reason and she soon came closer she thought she saw Lolita, but then on closer inspection she could see it was not the woman but one of the children she had met when they were merely puppies.

"Hello, you wouldn't happen to be one of the Monroe girls could you? You look so much like your mother!"

Though she could see the parts of her that did not resemble her mother, the long hair for one was not her mothers deep red hair. Sometimes it was good not to look exactly like one's parents. She wondered why the woman was here and not in Dahlia where she thought her mother was.

"What brings you here from Dahlia?

She noticed the horse pulling at the girls scarf and smiled. She knew the horse wanted to play at least that's what it looked like to the woman.

"She wants to play with you, I think she's trying to take the scarf so you can chase her."

Liliana said, the pups squirmed a little at their mothers voice, wanting to be closer to the thing that sounded so familiar than what they were hearing in the background.

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