Terrible sting and terrible storm

She had not waited long before a familiar brown and white figure approached her, smiling, and saying her name. She watched him for a little while, thinking he still looked quite a bit like he had when they were children, yet something was different. People could say what they wanted about him, and his odd ways of thinking, but he was her brother and thus it would never matter. Her own white tail wagged to match his torn one, and she pressed her muzzle against his neck, smiling, as a greeting. She was happy to see him, but she was worried. Worried, mostly, of how to ask him; she did not want him to misunderstand. Hesitating, she looked at the ground for a while before her green eyes met his vibrant blue. Haku Words stopped halfway in her throat and she paused, searching for a way to express what she felt. Perhaps to start with what was positive first?

Carefully not mentioning Iskata (her aunt obviously feared him, and - if there was reason to - Mew did not want to jeopardize her), she formed a clumsy sentence and stared at the ground again. Suddenly she was shy. I heard about Asphyxia. I.. wanted to thank you. She paused again, uncertain of what to say. A small ant was crawling around on the ground, heading for her front left paw, and her eyes was fixed on it as she spoke, as if the ant was the one she was speaking to, and not Haku. I don't know what to say, to be honest, but I'm proud, in a way.


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