Terrible sting and terrible storm

His brown paw squished the ant that was the focus of her gaze, and she was forced to look up at him. So, he would not be subtle about this. Fine with her, most of the time she preferred talking directly, saying what was on her mind in its true form, and it seemed to her that so did he. Green met blue as she looked at him, and he did not turn away from her gaze. Yes, she was proud of his revenge for her, but what did she feel about the others? She hated them all, she wanted them to disappear. Perhaps not die, but at least driven away. But the child he had killed tore at her mind, what if it had not been tainted? And if he had done that also, for her, then she was surprised and slightly disappointed in him. Needless blood spilled, even if it was coyote blood. Her mind was blank now; she did not need to pretend or judge whether her words would offend. If he became angry at her, then so be it, it would not change how she looked at him, trusting him to understand what she said without searching for any underlying bullshit. I am proud. She is filthy, and she deserved it. But the others confuse me. Perhaps you can enlighten me, because I do not want to believe you did that, too, for me.


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