[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 617 words

Bastion knew all to well of his own shortcomings. After all he had gotten Janos to make up for those things for him. He knew himself, perhaps, better than others knew themselves. He knew just what he was physically capable of doing and just what was beyond him to do. And well, picking flowers that were taller than himself were now on the list of things that he was unable to do. But that was fine seeing as he no longer needed to pick it. Just whom he had wanted to show it off to had arrived on scene. He had still managed to accomplish just what it was that he had set out to do. So what if it hadn't been in the way that he had thought of at first? Just so long as it was done was all that really mattered. Or at least to him that was all that really mattered. He wanted to show his puppy and he had succeeded one way or another.

The smaller male snuggled happily into the larger form of his puppy. He truly loved being as close as possible to the other male. He found great comfort and joy in being able to be near him. Then again he knew that the other would keep him safe and protected no matter what. He knew that whatever he could want would always be provided for. He knew that the other would always do whatever it was that Bastion wanted. That each and every request would be heeded to the best of the other's ability. It was really all that he could ever ask for. It was what made Janos the perfect puppy. It was what made him not want to lose Janos because he didn't want to have to try to replicate with what he had with the older male.

When the flower was pulled down towards him so that he could look at it he reached out his hands to grab the large head of the flower. The small male buried his nose into the large flower and sniffed at it before he licked it. It wasn't exactly the best tasting thing in the world but it wasn't the worst thing that he had ever tasted either. Still he wouldn't have known if he hadn't tried it. After he tasted the flower he released it and looked back up to Janos instead. "All sunflowers big?" He certainly had no idea but the ones that were to be found here certainly were. And of course that ended up bringing about another question. "Other flowers big too?" He knew of plenty of small ones that he put in his bath. But maybe if he didn't pick those then would they have gotten as tall as these sunflowers?

He clung to Janos as the other moved to sit down then settled easily onto the larger male's lap, remaining cuddled up against him. He studied the larger male's face as he was answered and ended up shaking his head in response. "No, not wrong." He couldn't get upset at the other for being concerned. After all Bastion kept the other male close to him for that purpose. "You good puppy." He gave the other the assurance as he smiled up at him. Meanwhile his fingers slipped beneath the clothing that the older canine wore. His fingers danced over the other's body and eventually found some lacerations that were starting to turn into scars. "Where from?" the words came out with the curious tone as he glanced up to the other's face before trying to get to the wounds in order to be able to look at them and play with them.


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