Change is Hard


The days had been quite for Jaden recently. Since his trek to the new lands of Ichicka he had done nothing but explore in an attempt to get to know the pack lands yet again. Walking along, he kept imagining Nayru’s calm voice on the wind. It would be just his luck that she’d called another meeting and declared another move to yet another part of the land as soon as he had discovered most of what the Ichika pack lands held. But Nayru’s call never came and the black and crimson canine was free to wander.

Ichika held such diversity. Only hours ago, Jaden had found himself along the sea shore surrounded by sands and flat land. Now he was hiking through the mountains. Everywhere he went in this new land he could smell his fellow pack mates too. Sadly the pack’s new member had yet to actually meet or talk to (for any reasonable amount of time) a single one of them. Meeting the rather large and imposing Saluce during his joining was something but Saluce wasn’t the most soothing soul and Jaden felt the man didn’t like him very much. He himself nothing was wrong with that for now. He would socialize with the pack as soon as he found a place to call home. Trying to search for a place to live and socialize with every wolf he passed by would be difficult and strenuous. The rest of his life lay ahead and could be filled with getting to know new people.

Night would fall soon. The sun’s low angle in the sky above was a testament to just how gone the day was. Jaden knew he wouldn’t find his home tonight and perhaps not even by tomorrow night. He wanted to see everything before he decided. The plan was to see every area of Ichicka and he was “dressed” for exploring with a mind set to match.

Dressed for exploring didn’t mean much. Since Jaden found clothing unnecessary, he simply wasn’t wearing all of his usual gear. Usually he carried a leather satchel with all of his valuables and personal items including his weapons and herbs while in his optime form. Now he only carried his bow, quiver, and a few arrows incase he wanted to hunt. Being able to travel light for a change was quite refreshing. Knowing that his belongings were safe in the pack lands where he had left them made the explorer feel only that much better.

Being in a pack that wasn’t founded on killing and cult like control was pleasant too. Jaden found himself pondering his latest adventure with Ichika no-Hoen as he robotically eyed the dense woodland before him. With all of the activity and the unexpected change in leadership Ichika was still millions of times better then his ‘home’ in Alaska. Nothing would suck as bad as those first few years of Jaden’s life and he felt sure of that. The pack’s strict ideals were so well instilled that they still polluted his mind. They did so to such a point that he sometimes questioned the integrity of a female leader when Nayru came to mind. In Uva Atka females simply didn’t lead. They were only to be mothers and artisans. Part of the former assassin believed Ichika should be no different. The part of him that didn’t was dedicated to his pack and to their leader because of the kindness Conor had shown him. Even if he had to take orders from coyotes and females, that more and more dominant noble side of Jaden would submit to his debt. He was caught somewhere between his changing personality and the ways of the past now.

Unsure as ever, the explorer was surprised to suddenly come upon the scent of his alphess. The mountain air was calm and the breeze wasn’t strong enough to carry a scent far at all. Nayru was close. What would he do now? Yes, he had dedicated his time to home finding and not socializing, but she was his alpha. To walk on by and ignore her would show such a degree of disrespect. What easier way to helps solve his qualms about her leadership then to get to know her a bit better anyway? Transversely, how would she react to Jaden wasting her time? He hadn’t the slightest clue. Remembering back to other times he had viewed Nayru with her pack mates, the man tried to put together a possible out come for their possible conversation. He remembered her glance. The one she had given to every Dahlian on the day of their move. What compassion it held did a lot to bolster Jaden’s confidence. He walked toward her familiar scent without giving it much more thought.

Nayru’s subtle blacks and whites which reminded Jaden of his own natural fur color appeared crisply from the greener tones of the underbrush. Her walk was dominant and her posture strong. Though she had every right to carry herself as an alpha, Jaden found himself feeling insecure and intimidated by a woman for the second time in his life. His ears were flat and his tail low as he watched her unsure if he should continue any further.

Nayru’s sudden attack on a poor bird made him jump back and grasp for a dagger the explorer had forgotten he wasn’t wearing. It was a reaction. There was not intent to try hurting Nayru in the man. The forest was calm for a moment and helped to slow his heart. The violence was quickly over and a new smell of bitter blood filled Jaden’s nose. It was possible the female hadn’t even noticed him. The former assassin almost always walked with a trained silence. He hoped that she’d noticed him. Surprising the Alphess wouldn’t leave a good first impression. With all these thoughts, the man suddenly found that he needed to announce his presence, hidden or not, and receive what ever wrath it might incur.

“Good evening, Nayru.” He breathed with a submissive nod.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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