where is my mind? [aw]

The brunette woman suddenly became more and more familiar. They both realized that they had met once before, when Magnolia had stayed in Anathema’s caves for a night. Larkspur had brought the mohawked girl to his own children to play with for the night to feel better. Magnolia had found the trio’s company great for short amount of time as there was a dearth of children her age to play with back in the Kingdom. Magnolia had spent the evening being completely mystified by the caverns and the fact that multiple families lived in there. Their meeting brought a grin to her face.

“Salvia,” the woman said softly, silently praying that was her correct name. “It has been a while. Your father saved my life that day. Why did your family move here? Are Wretch and Pan here too?”Maggie was asking a lot of questions, but their reunion was certainly exciting to her and she couldn’t help it. Magnolia did not tell her old playmate the reason why Magnolia had arrived at Salsola. Larkspur would probably never be close emotionally to the Monroe girl, but she felt the need to be close to her savior physically. He saved her once, and now he was saving her twice by letting her stay in this pack. She had a purpose now, and she was determined to not let this opportunity go to waste. She wanted to prove herself to the dark man.

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