[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Word Count: 814

In Character

He didn’t think of his master as being any less than he was. His master had some shortcomings, yes, but everyone had their own demons that they had to deal with. In fact, Bastion seemed to be better adjusted than Janos was at times. Janos had his own issues, his own demons that were still haunting him despite all this time that he had with his master away from the bowels of the slave ship and the horrors of his teenage years, left behind where they came from. But every now and again his nightmares would haunt him and he still would wake up in a cold sweat, feeling as if his nightmares weren’t over. It was only the fact that he had his cherub with him that he was able to see the light at all and he was able to survive, one step at a time. One step at a time was all that he could manage but so far he felt that it was doing him good. He could sense as he approached that Bastion wasn’t upset that Janos had come onto the scene just as he had hoped that he wasn’t. He had hoped that he wouldn’t upset the smaller male which it looked like he didn’t either. This was simply the perfect situation right now where he was able to have time with his love one on one with him.

To the best of his ability, the other male would always be able to feel safe, protected, and well provided for. Granted, he wasn’t the richest man that he was sure the other male could fall in with but Janos had undying loyalty that he could give to the cherub and the smaller male would know that Janos had eyes and had the attention and love only for the other male. Janos was much more at home now that he was here with him. There was no way that he could explain it other than that he was so glad that he had the other in his arms. He simply felt more at ease now that he was here with him. Blinking in surprise as the sunflower was licked, he let the cherub do as he would without saying anything against him but this certainly was not something that he would have advised, licking the head of the sunflower. But it didn’t seem to have any adverse effect on him whatsoever and were he more apt to smile he would have done so. Dipping his head as the sunflower sprang back up, he also bent over Bastion just a little to keep him from being hit by the flower in the case that it came back around, but the flower simply sprung back up and Janos relaxed some. With the question, he nodded his head and looked up. “Yes, all are this big when they grow up. I don’t know of any flowers that are this big,” he said, sounding honest. He really didn’t know of any others but that didn’t exclude the instance that there were others out there he just wasn’t knowledgeable about them because he hadn’t run across them yet.

They moved to sit down and he held onto Bastion as they relaxed, tilting his head to the side as the cherub made himself comfortable. Now this was when he was at his most ease. Now when he had the other male in his arms was a time when he could fully relax. Nodding his head with the assurance that he wasn’t wrong, he let out a little breath, glad that he wouldn’t be held responsible for legitimately worrying about his cherub. A shot of warmth ran through him as he was told that he was good and a ghost of what may have been a smile crossed his features as he gave a nod of his head. ”Good, I’m glad. Thank you master,” he said, the ghost of the smile soon leaving his face as those fingers slipped beneath his clothing and touched him, earning a low groan from Janos. He liked to have his scars played with but liked it even more when his master praised him for the new additions to his body. The question’s answer was put on hold when he realized that the other was trying to get at the wounds and he acquiesced, slipping out of his jacket and then his shirt, exposing some of the red, puckered marks that were just beginning to scar over. ”I was out hunting for us and I got wounded. They’re not pretty as if I had fought to get them but what do you think of them master?” He asked him, almost anxious for his approval. It was just something that he couldn’t help. He wanted his master’s seal of approval on anything and everything that he did no matter what it was.

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