[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 547 words

There weren't too many that would say he was a well adjusted individual. Plenty in the pack still didn't seem to understand his child like attitude despite his physical age. But those were also the ones that had no idea how his mind worked. They had no idea what he was capable. He had ended up alienating his siblings from their parents. He had stolen away their love, attention, and dependence from their parents and placed it all upon himself before he had been forced to leave. He had broken down the minds of each of them and inserted the thought that he was the only one who could ever really love them and give their lives worth and value. They had been his first test subjects and he would say that he had done a pretty good job for his first time. But that was also because they never expected him to survive let alone to amount to anything. Just like everyone else, they had underestimated him and that had made it easier to get into their mind and tear them apart. So he had learned to play off of that.

Janos didn't need hundreds of goats to keep Bastion's attention and desire. No, he only had to remain as he was. Just as long as Janos was loyal and faithful to him, as long as he continued to listen to him and do his job then Bastion would be happy. After all he didn't want to replace his perfect puppy but he would if he absolutely had to. So as long as Janos remained perfect then that was all Bastion could ever ask for. As long as Janos continued to care for him and protect him then that was all that was wanted. After all that was the entire reason for him keeping the other male around. He had known the other didn't have anything to his name when he had rescued him from one form of slavery in order to force him into another sort. Sure, he gave the other more freedoms than he had previously but there was always that underlying threat that if he didn't perform correctly then he would be forgotten about and shoved aside for someone new who could keep up with all of his demands.

The small male nodded his head to Janos's response. So sunflowers wee the only big flowers that were known of. Of course that meant Bastion was free to assume that any flowers that grew taller than himself were sunflowers. So at least now he had a name for this field of flowers that were larger than himself. But they became cast out of his mind as he made to explore the other male's body. So of course he was delighted when clothing was removed to allow him to freely explore the new additions to his puppy's body. And of course he couldn't help but to eagerly touch them. He gave a smile up towards the larger male. "Still pretty." The words were given before he dipped his head down to lick at the forming scars. And even though there was no blood for him to get out he couldn't help but to penetrate the laceration with his tongue, dipping it inside of the wound.


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