forever ( joining ) leader needed!
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>>>>>His name. Lately, he had been getting too liberal with that. In his paranoia (and arrogance), he occasionally flat out refused to offer his truthful name--in other cases, he would say nothing at all. It wasn't as though he believed that they would somehow gain an unseen advantage over him just by knowing his title--it wasn't as though his name was the key to the lock that kept all that mad brilliance within for his eyes and ears and mind alone. Maybe it was because it unnerved them. Folks grew upset when you knew their name and they didn't know yours. It was like a blatant slap in the face of regular social interaction. It was a cue, a tip perhaps, that something wasn't quite right, and it could make them squirm. Strangely, however, Anselm found himself extremely pleased by this male. "Anselm," he said simply.
>>>>>Once the doggish form of Gabriel appeared, Anselm lowered his tail into a neutral position and offered a dip of his head to his cousin. Some things he did not need to point out: obviously he was respectful of borders. "This is Oxford. He is aware of Inferni's situation and still wishes to join the clan. He can craft weaponry and is an aspiring medic." The basics. Then, it was time for something more obscure: "He's got his head on straight." Obedient, thinking on his feet, and responding well to stress--Gabriel would get the idea.

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