In the dappled light
OOC: Hah, yeah. It was the closest picture I could find to what I wanted.

Lloni's ears twitched at the sound of approaching feet, and she sniffed the air twice-- two wolves-- before turning her head and setting her sharp yellow gaze on the male and his pup. She stood, ears half-back and tail wagging, showing her total lack of aggression. She tilted her head at the question, tongue poking out ever-so-slightly.

"Not at all! It's impossible to be lost if you don't have anywhere you need to be!" She chirped, gaze focussing on the puppy-- she had a fondness for children, though she hadn't met many. "Out with your little one, hey? 's nice." She wagged her tail a little more before shaking herself, fluffy black coat whipping wildly and moving more than the rest of her. It's a little too damp and squishy here for my tastes. I'm only here 'cause I'm looking for a plant. Doesn't appear to be here, though." She let out a tiny 'gruff' sound in annoyance.

"Is this your packs territory? It doesn't smell like it, but I'll get right out if it is." She couldn't take any chances-- if a male and his pup were here, it was entirely possible that this area was newly claimed by a pack. And she certainly didn't want to get on anyones bad side

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