beatae memoriae


Time had a way of creeping up on him. Gabriel found his body discovered new aches in the morning, but that Enkiel’s medicine and warmth were the best cures. He had not tried to shift yet, but his shoulder had begun to feel more like it had before the rockslide. Still, Gabriel was patient above all else, and he would not distrust his body when pain still came from pulling the muscle too far. It was healing, though, and he was glad for that. It seemed rest had truly been the best medicine.

While Enkiel was kept busy with Talitha, who came to visit the healer more often these days, Gabriel traveled out of the new archway door that had been constructed by the pair and his son. He enjoyed the forest yet, and no injury would take that from him. Heavy paws carried him northward, through their territory and past the border without concern. Injured or not, Gabriel’s reputation preceded him—it would be a fool’s task to attack the man, especially so close to home.

Yet he traveled further from the borders and towards the part of the mountain that had injured both Sage and himself. It had tried to kill him, but it seemed Gabriel was too hardy for even the earth to destroy. Marlowe, however, was a thing of the air. He could not contend with such mass coming down on a body meant to brush clouds. There was no memorial here, but Gabriel still lay near the fallen stones and sent silent prayers to the spirit of his close friend.

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