[M] Child of the Flowers [DND]

Table & Coding © Bobbi & Kiki; 538 words

He was sadistic, there was no doubt about that. But he could cuddle just as easily as he could kill. It was often boredom, or now a job, when he would torture others. If they couldn't amuse him as they were then he found ways to amuse himself. It really was quite simple in his mind. If he was bored then he wanted to play. If he wished to learn something then it was achieved through the trial and error method. And well, he was interested in the insides of another and so that meant he had to cut them open to learn and see. With them open he could see just what it looked like on the inside and then through the process of elimination he could eventually found out the function of each organ. It would be a long and slow process but Bastion was willing to put in the time and effort in order to learn. He could think of no other way to gain the knowledge. So mostly it was his curiosity and boredom that got the better of him. He was at least indiscriminate though.

Honestly Bastion would love to see Janos lose himself to the blood lust instead of holding back all of the time. It would please him to watch his puppy enjoying himself. He knew the other would never fight against the orders and would fulfill them each and every time. But still it would be a greater joy to see his puppy truly enjoying himself for once. He did have the vague notion of a conscience every so often. He'd had times where he had considered releasing Janos from his control but his compulsions and selfishness always won out. He needed the other and admitted to it, even if it was only to himself. He couldn't do all of these things on his own so he had to have Janos, or someone at least, around. He couldn't defend himself and he knew it. He also was hardly able to feed himself either. So he really needed someone that was capable in order to allow himself to continue to survive.

The small male lifted his head once more with the other's words. He watched as the other stretched himself out and asked to be cut open. He certainly couldn't deny that request, now could he? His tail gave a happy little wag as the young boy used a claw to create a new wound on his puppy's chest. Eagerly he licked away the traces of blood as they began to bead out of the wound. Whatever taste he got simply was never enough. He had a thirst that refused to be soothed. No matter how much he got he always ended up wanting more.

A whine escaped from within Bastion's throat as he made to try to press himself closer. A conspicuous bulge had started to form in the front of his panties. The freely given blood plus the way that Janos had practically spread himself open and available to whatever whims that Bastion may have had triggered another sort of lust in the small male's mind. His body desired more than what he was getting at that very moment.


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