I'm Just a Shadow
OOC: Smile +5

She'd been feeling particularly strange lately. Very sick-ish and tired in the mornings, and she'd been more reclusive. She did not want to leave the caves for some time now. She'd felt weird since that day. She'd also had an increase in hunger recently, not because of her habitual pot smoking but also because of something else. Today, she had been able to get out after a week of just laying in bed pretty much and making Venom hunt for her. He had made sure to keep her happy, which was to Panda's pleasure. She liked being able to be lazy, and he allowed her to be since she had been with him the first time physically. Regardless, she was outside of the caves and she was out in the Valley, seeking some peace since she had been ill lately. She figured that if she was not in the place where her fornication was, she would be able to clear her mind, to be able to meditate easily.

She was perched in a tree, like most of the time she meditated (she felt most comfortable above ground often times) and she had her eyes closed; her breathing even. Her ears had moved back and forth, aware of the outside world, while her mind explored a world of it's own. She went deep within her mind, trying to find what was going to be happening to her sometime soon. The reason her body was changing was because her body knew that she was pregnant. The subconscious knew this as well,and this was where she was trying to tap into, to figure out why she was feeling the way she had been over this last long week and a half. She was hoping to not fall ill. She did not want to be bedridden to where she could not adventure when she wanted to.

The splashing of the water that had been in a distance had alerted her half-ears and made them turn in that direction. The scent was next to alert her, and she found the scent to be of a male loner. She snorted lightly and she was forced to pull herself out of her trance to deal with the intruder. She jumped down from her perch and she had moved towards the water. She would get to the shore and see a man bathing in the water. He shook his pelt out while he was in the water still and she found this curious. The clothed woman cocked her head and held her brown gaze on the male whom was intruding on her pack's lands. Hey, ya' know you are on Anathema lands right? Loners, uh, kinda don't belong here, handsome. the woman spoke and she held a smile on her maw. She didn't really feel bad about this male, so she could only hope that she would not need to call Venom to her side, and that he was not aggressive. If he was, then Panda would have to get hostile back, and she normally didn't like to be mean, not unless someone did something to deserve it.

Ya can continue your bath though, I just suggest that ya' get out of here as soon as possible, unless ya' were planning on joining here... the woman went on to comment to the green eyed, coal male, whom was not so bad looking in her opinion.

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