I'm Just a Shadow

Nice. Pardon Zale, he's not used to human stuff, and he calls humans "humes" just in case you were wondering.

Zalen had just gathered the stray strands of his mane so as to braid them when the smell of the female reached his wet nose. It was a pleasant smell to receive especially after the stench of the coyote land that had seemed to linger on his skin. He looked up as she arrived, black and ivory fur lit by the moonlight, causing her form to appear to him for a moment as just a floating abdomen and eyeless head. This visage took him aback for a moment before he focused on her form. What in the hell was this? It was a wolf, he could tell by the smell, but it looked like a goddamn panda bear! The ears cropped, the markings, it all screamed bamboo eating, Asiatic bear. And on top of that she was clothed in hume clothing.

He couldn’t believe it. Zalen had heard of Luperci taking on human mannerisms, clothing, shelter, but he had never truly experienced it. Sure the pack he had run with to the south carried among them some hume supplies, one of them even wore a bandana, but that was the extent of their accoutrements. Little did he know that Theodore’s gloved hands would lead to what stood before him. But despite the shock value, the female was quite attractive and he then realized he must have been staring at her slack jawed for quite some time. He also realized that due to the fact she was clothed he probably appeared naked. A twinge of embarrassment came over him but was quickly suppressed. He lower his ears and under the water his tail pressed against his leg in a show of respect. He raised his padded hands

”Pardon my intrusion, I do know I am on Anathema lands. I’ve just arrived.” He moved towards the shore and stopped a few feet in front of her, “My name is Zalen, I met one of your pack mates a few days ago, Theodor Stone was his name. He was very kind to me. If there is an issue with my being here, I will continue on, however I was hoping that the pack would allow me to rest here for the night… I recently had a run in with a coyote in unfriendly lands and I’m exhausted.

Zalen remembered that encounter the other day, the crushing of the wolf skull, the run in with the ivory coywolf female that almost ended in blood shed. But he was out of there now, but based on the way this exotic female wolf had acknowledged him made him wonder if he was in just as much danger in this land as in the ‘yote land. Then he caught himself, where were his manners?

“Forgive me, I’ve just been rambling without asking for your name?” He gave an awkward smile. Once again his social skills seemed lacking.

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