This subtle knife is what will reunite us, dear


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She could not reveal that she already had left her post and turned the back to the pack lands she had created herself. She was unable to stay within his gaze, so her eyes(crimson, as she was shifted) fell to the ground. Her body begged for less adrenaline production, as her blood was boiling with an overdose already. She was not definite if she was filled with fright or not, but she was obviously far from comfortable, and he would most likely pop the question why she had searched him out, as she had lost her head last time he had crossed her path. Colibri was at a temporary loss of words and actions. His words hurt and humiliated her because she knew it was true.

He scared her. He was wrong however, she could stop him. This time she would, and she would end the progress that had started within him. She would save him. You are full of sin and worse, Haku, you need to be stopped. Her voice shivered a bit, but apart from that it was firm and determined, the voice of someone that already had found the solution to the question. She had.


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