Terminally out of [p]hase
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table2.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
I might have to take you up on that offer, after this she's going to have to walk to Crimson Dreams!!! It's crazy lol. Sorry it's rambly. How're you anyway hun?

pushitinSoran was still tracing patterns in the dust as she gazed about her, her fingers moving idlely as she scanned her surroundings, there was nothing really remarkable about these lands so far, there was just a lot of rock and dust about the place. The dark fae supposed that there must be some more lush areas of the packland otherwise a pack would not have settled here, then again she had known wolves settle in more strange places, she herself had lived in the barren, charred lands of Bleeding Souls for a while, admittedly it had not been her plan, and she was not trying to support anyone but herself, but she had managed to stay fed and watered, maybe this pack had adapted to living on the rocky outcrops that the mountains provided. After some time she gazed back down at her hands, her fingertips still creating swirls in the dust, but that was not all that they had done. She stared at the words that she had absent-mindedly traced in the dust, she had written out her family's names, all without thinking about it, but there they were, Conri, Dhalia, Khaden, Naniko, Haven, Mati, Salem, Brooklyn, Linden, Robin, Felicitiy, but that was not what she was so concerned about, her family's names had been playing over and over in her mind for days now, wondering where she could find the lost members, if she could ever hope for the ones that still lived here to forgive her for what she had done to them, abandoning them. What the fae was feeling so betrayed about was the final names, adorned with far more care than those of her blood; swirls framed them, twisted about them, made them stand out bright and bold, her own hands had betrayed her, had given away something that she had long since hidden in her subconcious.
pushitinSummer and Deuce, there they were, bright and bold before her eyes, she had not thought about them for so long, her pair of pale lovers, Summer still haunted her mind every now and again, wandered through her dreams, if the dark fae thought hard enough she could still breathe in her scent. But there was no hope there, Summer was dead, and although that knowledge, even now, hurt the ebony lady's heart every time she realised it, she had managed to move on, well just about. Deuce had looked to similar to the pale fae, it was funny to think that the green eyed fae had a type, and that was pale females. Just thinking about the second alabaster female sent a wave of longing through the ebony female's chest, she missed her, more than she had realised until just now. Her traitorous hands had let her know that she had a hidden longing.
pushitinThat was not important now though, she was busy finding her blood, maybe once she had gathered her fanily back to her, convinced them to forgive her, alleviating her guilt, maybe then she would try and find some happiness again, that wasn't to say that if she came upon the pale lady that she wouldn't be tempted. A voice interrupted her reverie, the dark fae looked up at a silvered male, slightly ashamed that she had let her guard down, she should have seen him coming from a fair way off, she had been too distracted.

"Hello there, I'm not too close to the lands am I? I'm Soran, Soran Aatte." The dark fae smiled in greeting, getting to her feet, she glanced down at the writing in the dust, considering whether or not to kick it away before this other noticed it. He looked oddly familiar to the dark female, she couldn't quite place his face, but she had a feeling she had seen him before.


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