Heaven can wait, I Know Heaven Can Wait!

Word Count :: 538 :: Out of Character: cousin Barrett plzzz <3 +5

What a wanderer at heart! The woman had found herself way outside of Inferni lands this afternoon, departing early in the morning, before the sun rose, and getting to where she was know, somewhere between Cercatori d'Arte, and Cour Des Miracles, but mostly towards the kingdom of mutts. She had yet to meet someone from there, but one day, she wanted to visit there. The orche and coal woman had found herself wandering past their kingdom today, if only because there was something pulling her more south of there. The thing that would distract her from these journeys would be the urge to get some water, and to perhaps take a swim. After all, this woman did love the water. If she had gills, she would be in the water more than on land. This was obvious.

She had found herself not at the ocean, but at a lake, which was just as good as the ocean, actually better for fishing. She could use something to eat too, for her belly was complaining about getting food some time well into the afternoon. She hadn't had her spear that she used to fish normally, so she had to make one on the spot she decided quickly. Valkyrie went to a tree that had some gnarly branches that would work for her purpose. She took down the easiest one to break down and she took her knife that had been attached to her belt and she opened the knife and started to carve at the end of the branch that she found to be good for her spear tip. She sat along the bank and carved her spear that would be used to catch the coywolf some yummy fish for lunch. She was so excited that her stomach growled again, and she giggled lightly. I know tummy, ya' are gonna get some food soons, I promise. she spoke to herself and she patted her tummy for a moment before she continued to make her spear.

It took her about twenty or so minutes to get a good solid point on it that could pierce flesh like it would need to do for her to catch her a meal. Hextor could help with herding the fish toward her, but he could not see them good enough with his one good eye to where he could hunt all too well so she was on her own. He would help her by flying around, but this was all he was good for now. He would take flight from his perch that he had taken when the woman sat down and it would happen when she stood back up from her spot. She went to the shore and got herself about ankle deep before Hextor would chime down at her that the fish were coming her way. Once a fish had gotten in her sight, she was quick to strike out with her spear, luckily hitting it right in the chest and she was able to pull the wiggling fish and spear from the ground, and she let the fish suffocate and she threw it to the shore. She wanted to get another fish for her friend, Hex. So she would go in for round two..

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