Suffocating Under Words
She watched angrilly as he began to stuuter and fell to his knees sobbing. Her heart was cold againt him, really. And then an idea dawned on her. An evil idea. An idea that made her lips twist into a smirk. She could use this boy against lucifer. Lucifer had hurt her, she could get him back for it. Using his own lover. She didn't even have to be kind about it, really.

She knelt next to him, drawing his head to her chest. There, there, Jasper. Don't cry. I know how to make it better. A simple propositin. My, she was getting good at those, wasn't she? She nuzzled his cheek, tasting the salt of his tears. Her voice was soft and sultry as she spoke quietly into his ear. I'm rather jealous of Lucifer, really. You are quite the handsome man. If you would just make love to me, we can pretend this never happened.

She stroked his fur tenderly, as one would stroke a lover.

Deuce really was becoming a heartless bitch.

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