I'm Just a Shadow
OOC: no problem, it's actually pretty funny +5

The male had seemed to be taken back by the woman's appearance, and just the look of the male, slack-jawed and everything had made her giggle. Panda covered her mouth in a girlish manner, and she chuckled into her hand for a moment and then perked her ears at him. She listened to him speak when he was finally able to stop gawking at her appearance. He spoke of knowing where he was, and also that he knew the Rakeeb of Anathema. Her ears perked at the sound of Theodore's name, and figured that he would be welcome here for the night if the Rakeeb was friends with this man. She weighed her options, either to chase him out because he was not a member, or to let him stay because he met the Rakeeb. She didn't want to get on either of the male's bad sides, so she decided that it would probably be okay to let him stay outside of the caves.

He had asked her about what her name was. She smiled again at the male, her smile only fading because he had been thinking beforehand. My name is Panda. It's a pleasure t' meet ya, Zalen. the woman started off to speak, holding out her hand to shake hands with him. She then would open her mouth once again to speak to him. I'm sure that our Rakeeb and Angela would let you stay for the night here, since you have had some trouble in Inferni. Trus' me, I've been there and done that. she spoke, remembering the time where she and Venom had snuck into the lands to fish from their rivers and they had to give up some of their meal to get out of Inferni without the Infernians getting upset. Ya' probably won't be welcome in the main pack caves because you are not a member, but I'm sure that there are others on Anathema land that are not preoccupied by any of the Members. she spoke. Anathema did have a vast amount of land and only parts of it were actually used regularly. Most of the pack lived in the main caves rather than elsewhere, above ground so she was definitely sure there would be some other form of shelter. Though I do suggest leaving as quickly as possible, or actually seeking out our Angela's or Rakeeb's specific permission since I am only a lowly Dasa if you are searching for an extended time... she explained to the male.

If she had known him previously she would have invited him to come and sleep in her cave with herself and Venom, but she did not know the handsome man, and even though he did show her politeness, she had been slightly paranoid about outsiders that she was not used to. She would help him find somewhere safe within Anathema for him to stay, for she was not that unkind. So..Zalen...Where are you from? the woman asked. He was a loner, so he was a traveler. Travelers came from all over the world, and she was a curious one, there's not doubt about that.

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