[M] I can be your hero baby!

921w (+7)/ Finally! *collapses on her bed defeated* i wanted to do this before falling on my absence. Sorry if this is quite crappy, but, you know...You can skip the first three paragraphs if you wish XD and feel free to powerplay Luna during her fall when Zalen catches her X3

Nostalgia. A feeling that Luna never thgought that she would ever feel again. And everything had started quite a few days ago, when she left the security of the Aniwayan lands, crossed the ancient fence and headed to the north on all fours, only bringing her necklace and her mother's letter with her, which was tied to the tip of her tail tightly with a string made of natural fibers.

At the beginning she had postponed her journey to get adapted to her new pack. She had met a few faces and had established herself in the Village, and, over all, she had re-encountered new friends, one of them being the other part of the reason she was now sleeping in the open field rather than in her cozy room. Bun now she had decided that she had to do this for her friend's well being. She had to find Roran at all costs. If not...that would be a proken promise for her and a broken heart for her dear friend. So, not even bothering to tell her alpha or anybody else about it, she departed, leaving a note behind where she explained her reasons of leaving and that she would eventually return. She just hoped that somebody would have the lack of courtesy like to enter her home unadvised to notice the note.

After three days of continuously running, the female had decided to make a pause, feeling a strange sensation of familiarity . She was close to the place through which she had frist entered 'Souls. Very close. The lupus stopped on her tracks as this idea crossed her mind. She resumed her pace, but this time she walked intead of run, looking at her surroundings carefully. She knew that she was close, but a small part of her mind that grew bigger with every second that passed told her otherwise. Doubt. She wanted to make sure that she was following the correct direction. But with a glance at her surroundings with her scrutinizing green eyes, she realized that she was surrounded by trees, so the only way to orient herself would be...

"...to climb those trees?" She said to herself, looking at the treetops that closer over her. She was not a very good climber, but she would be able to reach a branch that was high enough to observe the landscape. Her eyes traveled from the trees to her toes in that moment. In that shape she had no possibility to even climb a meter off the ground. So, with a grunt, she sat on her spot and began to change into her favoured form.

Due to the loss of energy that her journey had caused, the shifting took more time that she had expected. But in the end there she was, a two-legged figure with long arms and opossible thumbs.

After scruiting the tree tops a second time, the female chose an oak which seemed solid enough to support her weight. With a sfift movement, she got ahold of the trunk and began to climg slowly, fastening her clawed hands to the rough bark and trying not to slide, failing at it a few times and actually scratching the tree surface while trying to find her grip again. In the end she did it to a high branch which seemed sound enough not to break under her weight and which allowed her a view of the lands that surrounded her. The wolfess balanced a bit while she tried to stand on her two legs in order to have a better view. Once she found her balance, she spun her head around, finding a reference point. Almost everything consisted on a sea of green spotted with a few clearer patches where there were no trees. There was a shape that rose over the horizon, though, and it didn't seem like it was too far away. The earthen colored woman found herself too immersed on her excitement, caused by the sight of the mountain, that she didn't pay much attention to the creaking sound coming from under her feet. That is, until the branch she was standing over disappeared.

With swift reflexes, the woman clinged to a nearby branch, which bent under her weight. Luna knew that it wouldn't resist for too long. So the Kunikoti did all she could do. Gathering all her strength, she rose a leg to the branch she was hanging from and buried her claws on it. The movement made the branch bend even more, but she tried to ignore it as she lifted her other leg, which connected with the branch as well. Good, now she wasn't hanging limply from the branch; but a look at the floor washed away the feeling of safety that she had previously felt. She was hanging about seven meters above the ground! Another creak. Six and half meters. If she let herself fall she would end up with a broken limb. Or worse. She didn't want to think about the consequences further and tried to think about a way to get back to the floor harmless. But it seemed like her possibilities were nul. So she did the only thing that she could do. A desperate howl left her chest as she did her best not to fall. Help me! Maybe some loner would hear her and come to her aid. She put all her hopes on that thought as she let out another cracked howl. I need help! I do not want to die today!

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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