The Destroyer of Human History
OC: Sorry for the wait, my writing muse was resting and I've got a sick doggy

"Singer must have poor place memory, she must," Etal quipped sourly as Iskata spoke, taking her foul mood out in the statement, "Odd name, Mew is. Sounds like a catses, it does," the bird commented, with what passed for a chuckle. Interested in Iskata's words, Wind had heard the fires mentioned before, and frowned. She had lived and grown up in what had once been the northern Midwestern United States. Her ancestors had been of both European and Canadian descent, and had come from a few zoos that had disintegrated when the humans had fallen. That was also where the first Aquilan Wolf had met the first Aquillan Avian, and in those days, the alinen bird species had no knowledge of the area, and had relied on the wolf for help. "I've heard these fires mentioned. I had cousins that lived in distant mountains to the southwest, and they spoke of fires as well."

"I made the lath, or bow of my crossbow, which is more powerful than a traditional bow. It is called a composite because the lath is made up of layers, rather than a single piece of wood, as many bows are. This makes it much stronger," Wind explained, then, holding up a finger, she ducked inside and returned with the recurved composite crossbow, "The metal parts of this were modeled after some human instructions in an old library. My uncle gave me the manual, though I've never attempted to forge metal. My pack has many human traditions, which I know is a bit uncommon in the Americas, unlike in Europe," She explained with a faint smile. "Lobster is okay, but I'm not big on seafood. Back home, we mainly had these fish called Mud Cats, which were really ugly,"

She paused to think at Iskata's next question, "My family were nomads, so we had a lot of different homes. We lived mostly in a place I think was called Missouri, thats what a lot of the signs said anyway," She smiled, as Etalpalli, hearing her name, turned and puffed up her feathers in pride. "Etal's family and my ancestors, according to both sides, were apparently once held in human zoos. The wolves in those zoos were candidates for reintroduction, according to family legend, and were thus able to survive outside the captivity the humans had kept them in. Etal's family were in the same position, bt her kind come from a place many months travel to the south, and thus did not know how to survive in this climate. The birds agreed to help in hunts by spotting prey. Thus the Aquilla Pack was created, with both wolf and eagle members, Aquilla means eagle, I think. There was a tradition of pairing an eagle with a wolf when they reached a year of age. Etal was supposed to go to the son of the Alphas, as they always recieved the Crowned Solitaries, her species, but she was so good at providing me with the guiding service, an exception was made." Etal flicked her crest up and seemed to do a little dance of pride, "Son of Alphas was too stuffy, he was. No fun, indeed, no fun. Could not take a jokeses, he could not," Etalpalli whistled

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