Badge of Pride
Forward-dated to July 21, 2011. Late afternoon.


Word Count :: 400+ ::

Saxif was taking orders from her new mate; a surprising glint in Shiloh’s eye had managed to change the huntress’s mind. She kept trying to tell the scarred girl she would be fine and her healings have been great. Truly Saxif knew she was lying, as did Shiloh apparently. The pain in her back was not subsiding when it should be. Saxif knew little about healing and even less about wounds, as this was her first major one. She rubbed her left shoulder just below the tended wound. She wasn’t sure how far across her back the claw marks had gone because the entire area seemed to ache from shoulder to shoulder.

She grinned slightly thinking back to one of her uncles who bared a similar scar; she would pester him constantly as a pup to touch them as she did with most of her uncles. She was sure it was a flesh wound as it was one of the first things she had tested when she awoke. She had grabbed her bow and though the pain was excruciating her aim had not changed and still felt every muscle working properly. If the bear attack had taken away her ability to wield a bow or any other weapon she would truly feel broken. It kind of gave her an insight to Shiloh’s pain, only just slightly.

She had smiled again thinking of the events that progressed through the trip. Her love for Shiloh was tremendous, it was the reason she was seeing Mizu alone. She wanted to spare her the pain of watching Saxif suffer. Though it was not the only reason, Saxif knew Mizu had seen the girl just after the rape. She might know details on just how this beast looked like. The huntress had been developing a great rage for the attacker in the past month, she hoped one day to pursue him. Now that they were mates the feeling just grew deeper, embedding itself into her core. She couldn’t do it blindly though, as the attacker could have been anyone for all she knew. She needed Mizu’s insight, she knew Leon would see through her ploy but she barely knew the healer.

She reached the home of the white wolf and gently knocked hoping she would be home. She knew she needed rest for the trip had worn her down. She figured she might just sleep a day or two once she was tended.

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