A Voice on the Wind

She hardly had any idea why she was up here at the time of night that she was but that was neither here nor there, she didn't need a reason did she? To come up here and walk alone in the night. It was cold upon the mountains and the wind whipped at her fur, tugging strands of her long white hair and flinging them all about, her fur protected her partially but she still shivered in the icy gusts. Her flower was quickly torn from its resting place and taken away into the night but she did not care, it was replaceable to her like she was to so many others, Matteo including. At the thought of the snowy man the woman stumbled over her own feet and fell to her hands and knees, the sharp rocks slicing through her skin and blood welling up to drip from her body slowly, staining her fur with the crimson liquid. She wiped her paws upon her chest smearing her blood around and still she did not care. The scent of iron filled her nose and the sharp sting of pain finally reached her.

She was quite a long walk from Anathema now and there would be no one to help her out here, she was alone again like she always was in her life. Tears filled her baby blue eyes and threatened to overspill, she had thought he was coming to her, they had been getting closer and then from out of nowhere, he was marrying Alaki, had married Alaki and hadn't cared enough about her to see how she really felt in her eyes. Her lip curled upwards and she growled menacingly into the gloom, Alaki. It was all his fault. But as suddenly as the anger had appeared, it deserted her leaving her hollow and empty on her knees. She looked up to the sky and the waning almost full moon that seemed to watch over her like an old friend with his large white eye. The young female began to cry quietly, hot tears weaving tracks through the fur on her cheeks, she wrapped her arms around herself, a barrier from the world as the tears continued to fall unchecked.

Her head tipped back slowly so she could see the entirety of the night sky before her, the small shining stars and large pale moon on a backdrop of dark blue entwined with black, it was beautiful; all of it. Her howl was somewhere in between a coyote's yowling and a wolf's deep timbre, half and half like she was. It echoed out into the blackness, soft and mournful but strong at the same time and filled with a haunting emptyness, darkness tinting the innocence like the blood that stained her white fur. Eventually she ran out of breath and it died into silence only to be rekindled seconds afterwards, time and time again this happened as the woman poured out her feelings into the song to her friend the moon.

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