the clouds roll in
James Edit: fixed your bold

She smiled slightly at the fact that the youth wasn't going to attack and ask later, and when she'd been given a response she realized that them standing in the sandstorm wasn't the smartest idea, though she'd already know that but her concern for the smaller one was what kept her from finding shelter alone. Squinting her eyes shut again she spoke up, trying to shelter her face with her shoulder, out of the brutal wind's attack. "What's stopping us!" coughing as the sand finally hit her shook her head and tried to get a ragged breath again. "We're close to the border, there's caves there..." she said. She didn't know if the girl would even follow her, and she probably didn't like the idea that the wolf knew there were caves so close to their border, but Iskata had learned when Inferni was just reforming that there were caves all along the rocky beachfront.

Ducking her head under her arm for a moment as she rubbed the sand from her eyes she sighed and lifted her head back up, shaking her head as she fought to stand in the bitter winds. The words the girl yelled were almost lost but Iskata did catch them in the end. Leaning towards the youth to where she didn't have to yell so much she stated. "I was looking for Faolin or her mother!" She figured she didn't have to lie to the smaller girl, it wasn't like she could really do anything about Iskata looking for the two, she hadn't found them afterall. Sneezing as sand tried to invade her nose she shook her head and looked back ot the girl. "What bout those caves?" she suggested as she tilted her head towards the beachfront border.

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