Trespasser, Kidnapper.... Murderer

If you want anything changed pm me XD WC: 1000+ That's right I said it... I'll just play off whatever Leon does now.

There was a storm brewing in the horizon, large billowing clouds that flashed silently in the distance was the sign of this. The air was dead and smelled of mist.
She was returning from checking her traps and a bit of archery training. She was proudly carrying her three rabbits with her when she heard noises from the stables. She thought for a moment JagerMeister was being a nuisance but when she walked in it was an eruption of noise, all the horses were wild. She moved down to the loudest source of the noise. Faith? The black mare was going wild in her stall, in that instant Saxif knew something was wrong. What is it girl? She dropped the rabbits and released the mare from her confines leading her outside. The horse had nudged and neighed at Saxif, crying out in low speak. She only knew a few words that Leon had taught her so the hysteria of her rants was unheard. Then she started to repeat one word that made Saxif nod in understanding. Ride! She leaped upon the back of the mare and allowed Faith to take lead on her path. It took a while for Saxif to realize that she was leading her after someone. Saxif ordered the mare to stop. She leaped off instantly dropping low to the ground. She looked at the tracks; there were two of them. One set of tracks seemed to be erratic in nature as the others were steady. She breathed a long breath through her nose and gasped. Analise. It was clear now as she further inspected the tracks… Analise was taken hostage by a horribly smelling male. Saxif leaped back onto Faith who followed the trail seemingly by instinct, as though led by something other than senses. She stopped Faith again, the scent was growing stronger; they were near. She asked Faith to stay put as she though for a moment.

Saxif now had a choice, did she pursue the wolf who stole her friend or return to the village to find Leon. Her decision came swift, the quicker she found them the higher the chance Analise came out of this unharmed. She glanced around and noticed a small pond nearby. A plan had quickly formed in her mind drawing a menacing grin to her face. She walked over to Faith hoping she would understand she spoke. I need you to stay here girl, Analise will be depending on you to be here. She patted the horse and walked over to the pond. Saxif stood in the small pond ready for the next step of her plan. She reached in the waters gripping tight to the muck below. She pulled mud up staring at it for a moment. Tonight she would be a true hunter; tonight she would join the ranks of what her people called Niboowin Giwisayininiwug (death hunters). The title was given to the hunters of a predator. She spread the mud across her chest. When she completed covering her pale fur, she was ready. She ran with a swift stride once back on the trail. He was easy to track, he left nothing but destruction in his wake probably form trying to keep the girl from escaping.

The still air now carefully unsettling as the storm drew near. She moved silently, hoping and praying to the spirits that Leon would know what has happed and to make it there in time. She stopped suddenly, her ears perked, her nose twitched as it inhaled. The enemy was near. She could hear his heavy steps and smell that deathly smell she had been following quite clearly. It was time.

She kept herself downwind as she neared her target. When he came into her sights a gasp nearly escaped the huntress’s lips. If it had her stealth would have been useless. The wolf was massive; she didn’t stand a chance. She crouched cringing at the sounds of Analise’s struggle; she desperately wanted to do this right. Then it came to her what needed to be done. She swiftly and silently moved to gain ground ahead of the monstrous male. Thunder had now become an addition to the light in the distance. She needed to hurry, to disrupt the beast. She leaped onto the nearest thick tree trunk digging her claws into it as she caught the nearest branch with her hands. She had proceeded to climb with a practiced skill. She carefully balanced herself and walked across a thick branch to the point before it bowed. Her heart pounded harder and swifter than ever as she unsheathed her bow notching an arrow from her quiver. The huntress now awaited her prey, settling her nerves as she slowed her breathing. Even as lightning struck she was but a shadow above, her eyes glinting red from the night.

The first movement of the beast and its captive was seen, she set her aim upon him. He seemed unaware so this should be easy. In this moment he would be as a deer was, blissfully unaware. Soon he would hear only but a whistle of the arrow she would release and her target would be struck. Her moment as a death hunter would be achieved. She released her first arrow; she missed her target by much a sign that she needed to calm her nerves more. Though she still managed to strike him in the shoulder. She shuddered slightly as a roar erupted into the night thunder seemingly extending the monstrous cry. She watched as Analise easily wriggled from her grip, she was headed toward Saxif obviously hearing where the arrow had come from. She was about to climb down but the beast was relentless he started to pursue. Saxif quickly released a second arrow striking him true as her target changed. She struck his thigh releasing another explosive growl.

A howl in the distance put a smile on Saxif’s face. The large wolf in the distance grinned a sickly grin as it turned to face the howl; it was as though Saxif and Analise did not matter now. She could hear Leon’s approach as she leapt from the branch to the ground. She quickly took Analise into her embrace glad she was safe for now. Holding Analise’s wrist she quickly lead her widely around the creature that she couldn’t believe was a wolf. She would take her to Faith, then she knew she would be safe. She would quickly return to aid her friend for no wolf could take down such a creature alone.

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