[M] I can be your hero baby!

Word count 324:: Twas not a crappy post. Twas a good post :-D

Why had he just done that? It had been his first ever kiss too, never having had the chance to be around females his age in adolescence. He remembered seeing other wolves act in intimate ways when he had run with the small pack those many months ago, but had never experienced anything first hand. Now he had just made a complete fool of himself in front of a beautiful stranger. What an idiot he was!

Reaching up to rub the bump on his head again he was suddenly overcome by nausea and thought for a moment he was going to vomit when he noticed the very surprised Luna turn to leave. He watched her for a moment before reacting to her retreating form, "No please! Don’t go!... I’m really sorry, I don’t know what came over me… I…" He desperately thought of a way to convince her to stay. He needed her company just so he could set his thoughts straight again and figure out what the hell had just happened. Something about her obviously had made something snap in his mind and he had to find out what it was.

He walked after her and was going to grab her arm to stop her but thought better of it at the last moment, now was probably not the time to touch her again. “Please stay, that was really stupid of me. I don’t even know you, I don’t know why I did it…” He stopped and stood behind her, looking completely defeated and miserable, before he came up with a great idea.

“It probably was the branch! Yes, it knocked me senseless. Would you be willing to stay with me a little while to make sure I don’t pass out or something? Perhaps you could tell me about that paper tied to your tail?” He was putting everything on the table, hopefully it worked and she would stay with his crazy ass.

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