The Other Side of the Coin
Word count 358:: Forgive Zalen's racism '^_^

Zalen was still about a mile or so away from the cave structure and knew his voice would most likely carry far enough at this distance but he didn’t want to chance it and continued forward. That was when the smell of pregnancy came to him. Slowing down only slightly he glanced to his right and caught site of the ivory female just as she caught sight of him. Zalen came to a complete stop as she spoke, ears completely turned in her direction. What he saw turned his stomach. It was a coywolf, a pregnant coywolf, an abomination in every sense.

It was one thing to run into a coywolf on Inferni lands but here? In Anathema? He guessed he shouldn’t have been that surprised, Panda had spoken about her non-prejudice of all canines, this should have hinted at the fact that Anathema would allow them in the pack structure. But actually being confronted now by one, and one that had most likely been impregnated by a wolf slightly sickened him.

He tried to put these somatic feelings to the side and decide what to do. Besides her species she was a member of this pack and he was a trespasser, though a friendly one. He stared at her for a few more seconds before replying gruffly, I’m injured, I seek my friend Panda. Do not interfere.

He turned and continued on for a few more yards before stopping again and turning his brutish head to look at her once more. If he wanted he could easily kill her now, slash her protruding belly open and rid the world of the unnatural offspring growing inside her. But these dark thoughts, as much as he wished he could enact them, were forceably pushed down into the deepest part of his mind. Despite what she was she was still a vulnerable female bearing young and should be protected. He sighed and decided he should probably explain himself a bit more, though this annoyed him greatly. With a grunt Zalen plopped his massive form to the ground and winced, his wound throbbed and he hoped it was not bleeding again.

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