Finally, I've arrived.

As she spotted the brown wolf, her first impression was she had her gaurd up. Obviously she didn't exactly like strangers. Mya could relate to her though, after all... it had been a stranger who'd killed her mother. Being rather good at reading people, she made sure to give off the submissive welcome she had planned. Blinking a bit, she framed her best polite smile on her face and her head not held as high as it could be to appear less dominant. Who knew if she was a pack leader or not? When the optime spoke, she felt the wheels begin to turn in her head. What should she say? Should she spill everything? Of course not! She opened her mouth, but no words spilled out. The second time around, she'd been able to conjure words up in her head. Ah, yes. Be normal, she thought to herself while ignoring the problem that she wasn't exactly "normal".
"My name is Mya," she began, "I'm hoping to find a pack to call home. Perhaps you could help me?" That was good. She felt a breath of relief go out from her mouth, her tail picking back up a bit hopeful. Maybe this would go better than she thought it would. "I like to heal people, too." Okay, that might of been a bit pushing it. Mya hadn't realized how worried she was about getting accepted by others. Geesh.
Hoping that it wasn't obvious, Mya shifted her weight from paw to paw,(or foot... whatever!). Butterflies were flitting in her stomach. This girl didn't like new people, but what if that meant she wouldn't like her? The concern filling her body was more than easily seen, even though Mya was trying to deny it in her brain. Hopefully the girl would answer soon and the suspence that was building up so quickly would end. The torture was almost tragic, terrible infact. Answer please, she whined inwardly.

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