London Bridge.

...Maturity. Slight PP of them getting to the Veil, as long as it's okay. If not, I'll edit.

Teo felt his ears pulling back the more she fumed. The tainted tone she used to reply to him was what broke him and he sighed, shoulders slumping and a hand waving loosely for her to follow. C'mon... it's not far. He led the way out of the room carefully, checking for Giuseppe the entire walk through the main caves, hesitant to be caught by him when with Gemma. No doubt meeting with Giuseppe would lead to unwanted drama... drama he didn't need at that point. Not after everything that had happened.

Once they were mostly alone, wandering out of the caves through the closest exit, an emergency one it happened to be and down the shoreline past the serene sands to the Veil, Teo managed to find the nerve he'd lost. As he climbed carefully around an outcropping of rock, avoiding getting his paws wet, he sighed and looked at her. I know you're upset with me. I probably deserve it. He started, offering her a helping hand to get onto the Veil's pebble beach. I understand if you don't want to be around me right now. I've made some pretty rash decisions. Nothing I truely regret though. His mind added mildly.

Once the two were settled at the mouth of the cave, he knelt down and got comfortable. I... don't regret my decisions. He admitted hesitantly. I regret hurting you and Giuseppe, if I have. I regret jumping into things so quickly... but Alaki was my escape. Is my escape. My freedom. He looked at her, his voice steady and calm, no signs of tears, fear or torment in him. I can focus on raising Camilla now, without worrying if I'll be too busy healing my own wounds first. I can concentrate on her instead of my scars. I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm a lot happier. I've been feeling better every day since the ceremony. But there's still a few things left unmended.

You're one of those things, Gemma. I don't want to ruin things between us. You've saved me a few times now. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. I would never have met Camilla. I would never have been free of Giuseppe's abuse. I'm not now, but I'm so close I can taste it. He paused, shaking his head. I want to know your feelings. Tell me... please. Everything. He moved to try and meet her gaze, trying to coax her into talking, ranting, raving, yelling... anything, as long as it helped her express to him how he'd fucked up. He needed to know.

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