M - The Guillotine

OOC here: Table & Coding © Zero; Okay dude, I'm stressing and worried these puppies won't happen. Cause yeah, need 15 posts every 2 weeks. So what it's like 63 days? So that would make it what? Aug. 29th? And have to request 2 weeks prior so that would be Aug. 15th? So that would make it all of July and 1st half of Aug? Well my counts are crap the 1st half of July and still crap now cause with what I have to do there is no way I can get 15. Of course after the 28th maybe I won't have to worry quite as much if I can get Symera then I can focus solely on Ouija and getting the 15 posts for the rest of July and first half of Aug. So yeah, I'm worried that nothing will pan out; 380 words

Why should he deny her offer? He had problems reaching places where he couldn't see. But that is why it was lucky that he wasn't employing some sort of strict pattern. It didn't mater what it looked like to him and so he just soaked without ever seeing what he was doing. But still, having someone to do it for him really would save on some time and effort. So yes, it would certainly help to have someone take care of his back for him. Someone to make sure that it wasn't a single spot of color amidst all of the white. So it would certainly be something that he would enjoy. And of course if she chose that she didn't really wish to do it then that was fine with him as well.

He remained where he was as he watched the other two inside of the room. Just because it wasn't something that he normally partook in didn't mean that he would deny it. It would be in bad taste to deny a gift. But it didn't seem to upset the female in the slightest. In fact she had brought a jar over to him. Despite being invited to whatever he wanted he only plucked two of the smaller vegetables from the jar and popped them into his mouth. He consumed them and placed the jar carefully to the side so that nothing would happen to it.

He watched the duo share the joint as he hummed softly to himself. He really liked shrooms for the fact that he could hear colors and well, that inspired him to work and capture those colors. After she got finished with what she was doing with, whom he could only assume was, her friend and handed him the joint she ended up coming over to him. His humming turned into a groan as she decided to sit on his lap yet not sit still. A lick was placed against Panda's lips when her lips met his own. "What about your friend? I thought he was going to play too." The words were murmured out against the female's lips. He stared over Panda's shoulder in order to watch Venom. "Or is he the sort that just likes to sit back and watch?"

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