[M] The Last Supper - OPEN POSTING

weird post. :S and why is my ooc font doing this weird thing? ; ;

Denver's stare intensified the second the slave put his hands to the table. The white dog had known slaves, and known their masters; there were always rules. One of the biggest: you certainly did not eat from the same table. As Denver suspected, the Boss would not tolerate such insolence. He was calm, but menacing, like a snake. It only took a few words before he threw a knife to the crude table, demanding the slave's tongue be taken.

The Associate moved quickly to grab the gleaming piece of metal, happy to prove instantly how loyal he could be to think King he admired. Eyes locked with the few who beat him as he slunk back to his seat, placing hands on the table, sullenly watching the scene without apathy. Blood splattered far across the table, so Denver stood and backed out of the splash zone; it would be impossible to get blood out of the fabric of his scarf.

The creamy mutt slowly made his way to his seat once again as Eris took over with an announcement. The dark goddess claimed she and Larkspur had come to be mated, and that she carried his pups. Interested, Denver's brows raised and he nodded slowly in approval. Larkspur was, after all, quite the pinnacle of strength and manliness. Pushing away the angry thought that he would never be as tall and muscular as that wolf, Denver gave a silent nod of congratulations to the beautiful witch who held such a commanding presence; now, her body was a vessel for the first ever infant Salsolans. The Associate knew she would be well cared for, but of course would offer his assistance nonetheless.

Pale eyes darted quickly around the room to gauge reactions, noting that the weird girl with the mohawk seemed particularly happy for the pair. Strange. The yellow coyote woman then broke out in laughter, pausing to breathe a few words in a language Denver didn't know (maybe Spanish?), before continuing to heartily chortle. The ivory dog muffled his own laughter at the scene; it wasn't really amusing, but in their own separate ways, it was.

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