Finally, I've arrived.
OOC - Thank ya ^^, That'll be just fine as that rank. You can skip the first paragraph if you want. It's just a ranting of the differences between Sky and Skye. ;3

She relaxed at a second voice, a female Secui stepped forward with a cream colored coat. She'd listen to Sky, and her nerves had calmed only a little. Sky was very intimidating. As this new individual stepped forward she felt less nervous, the calm and encouraging presence she made gave Mya more hope. Skye. She thought it was funny that they had the same name, and yet were so obviously unalike. She was also the leader of this pack. Woah, she found herself thinking. Maybe this pack wasn't so scary after all. Sure, it was more than likely that this pack was strong in numbers and a threat to others, but at least they were accepting her.
"Yes, you heard correctly. I'm Mya," she said, feeling more sure of herself. It was strange to be in her optime form when in the presence of dominant lupercis. Normally, she stayed in her lupus form with her head down so low that her nose scraped the ground. After her mother had been killed she felt risky to show any kind or form of dominance. Being careful and avoiding fights had become her expert area, besides helping wounded animals. On her thoughts of the rank she felt relieved that she'd been placed somewhere safe. Caring for animals that might be wounded or might not be was definitely better. She'd felt vibes that trying to be equal with Sky was seen as nefarious in her eyes.
She'd pause to let both of the lupercis say something, but her she came across something else to say. "I find it greatful of you to be taking in such a loner," she said, "I've been lonely for quite some time." She sounded so sincere with her words that it was possible the other wolves might think she was tearing up. Though she hadn't cried in many months. There was no way she could. Tears meant heartache. And though, when her family had been taken away it looked like her life was a tragedy, she hadn't had much problems since then. Now she waited for the others to respond.

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