Conpiracy afoot
She gave him a look of “then why are you still in pain?” But he didn’t seem too angry at her, as evidenced by when he ruffled her hair. She gave him a playful glare and stuck her tongue out at him. She was still playful despite the oppressive atmosphere in AniWaya.

She kept glancing at him as they headed to the border. What caused him to be in pain to begin with? She hoped that he would get better soon. It was hard to see him in so much pain and anguish.

She stopped when he did and figured that now was as good of a time as any to get talking. But first she needed to ask him something. Where did you get those injuries? Although her attention was on Leon, her senses were also on their surroundings in case someone came up on them.

After determining that they were pretty safe, she got started. What are we going to do about the intruders? If we let them keep going, our spirits will die and AniWaya will no longer be what it once was. We need to do something but I don’t know what. She was a little out of breath from the outburst, watching Leon to see what he was thinking.

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