It's a dangerous game...

Powerplaying regarding fighting is okayed out-of-thread from this point on‌ward =)

Trying to ignore the freak's words, Umbra still found his ire rising at the condescending sneer. But he didn't have much time to say anything before the shifter charged. Blinking, he barely had time to attempt a dodge, but it wasn't necessary, since the other missed. Blinking again, Umbra instinctively started to turn. Had the freak really missed, or was he intending to flee the scene? Then pain shot through his leg as strong jaws locked onto him. Not being the lachrymose type, Umbra didn't cry out, but he did growl, trying to twist enough to get at the freak. No luck.

He could feel blood trickling down his leg, and he twitched a little in a reflexive move to get away from the pain. But as he realized that trying to tear himself away would only hurt him more, he instead made an extra effort to bend himself backwards. With some luck, he managed to just reach the other's tail, and he closed his jaws on to the root of the tail. He imagined that if he bit hard enough, the freak would let him go.


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